2016 Annual Report News Items » Parent Involvement Committee and Algoma Public Health partner to deliver important information

Parent Involvement Committee and Algoma Public Health partner to deliver important information

Algoma District School Board's Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) hosted workshops throughout the district which had a two-part focus:
1. learning about the role the PIC, School Councils and parents play within the school board; and
2. understanding the revised health and physical education curriculum.
Current PIC members addressed the first item and helped to clarify the difference between the PIC and School Councils. School councils focus on an individual school while PICs provide advice at the board level and actively support the school councils of ADSB. Each year, parents are encouraged to consider becoming part of either group.
Algoma Public Health staff, along with ADSB's K-12 Well-Being Special Assignment Teacher, presented the second component – leading a conversation about fostering a sexually healthy community with a focus on understanding the revised health and physical education curriculum. This was an important and informative presentation geared at parents, caregivers and young people.
APH staff provided current statistics on Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) specific to the Algoma region. They provided these statistics and other information as a foundation to begin the discussion around the importance of learning about human development and sexual health at an early age.