Grade 9-12 Schools » Grade 8 Transitions To High School

Grade 8 Transitions To High School

building my future guide
Click on the image for the Flip Page version of our Student Transition Guide. 
Community Involvement Activities
Students are required to complete a minimum of 40 hours of community involvement activities as part of the requirements for an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). Students can start accumulating their community involvement hours in the summer before entering Grade 9. 
The community involvement requirement is designed to provide students with the opportunity to develop awareness and understanding about civic responsibility. By being involved in their communities and serving others, students can develop transferable skills and explore different sectors and potential career opportunities as well as deepening their understanding of their role in society.    
Parents/guardians should help their child in the selection of their community involvement activities. Parents/guardians are also encouraged to communicate with the individual or organization supervising a student’s community involvement activities and the school principal if they have any questions or concerns.
For full details on Community Involvement Hours/Activities please review the document below.  
A pathway is a student's individual journey that includes opportunities and experiences in school, at home and in our communities.   The Algoma District School Board uses myBlueprint as a tool to help grade 7-12 students reflect on their educational experiences that shape them and use those experiences to help develop an Individual Pathway Plan (IPP).  This digital tool can be accessed by students anytime, anywhere for independent inquiry, career exploration, secondary and post-secondary planning and goals setting.  
Follow the link below to start using myBlueprint.