Parent Involvement Committee » School Council

School Council

The School Council is a representative advisory body within the school. 
School Councils were created by the Ontario Ministry of Education through Ontario Regulation 612/00 and are supported by Algoma District School Board School Councils Policy. The Council is bound by the rules as outlined by the Ontario Ministry of Education through Ontario Regulation 612/00 and ADSB School Councils Policy​.
Ontario Regulation 612/00 states that the purpose of School Councils is, through the active participation of parents, to improve pupil achievement and to enhance the accountability of the education system to parents. 
Algoma District School Board policy states that a School Council is a body through which parents, 
teachers and administrative staff work cooperatively together in mutual respect and understanding to further the educational experiences of the children attending ADSB schools. 
The Council is an advisory body which offers its opinion and advice on matters within the mandate of this Council. This advice goes to the school principal, and where appropriate, the school board in accordance with ADSB School Councils Policy.
• provide input into the development of school improvement plans
• support and enhance the communication between school and home
• provide input on the code of conduct and appropriate dress code
• create a principal profile
Each parent/guardian is eligible to stand for election and is eligible to vote for all of the parent/guardian members of the School Council. Each term is for one year with the possibility of re-election.
As part of School Council, you will offer opinions and advice on matters specific to your child's school(s). As a PIC member, you participate at the Board level and focus on things that affect more than one school.  In fact, the PIC is a direct link between parents and ADSB's director of education and the Board's trustees.  ​
Ontario Regulation 612/00 stipulates that parent members must hold a majority of seats of the membership of the Council. The ADSB School Council Policy 1.2(11) stipulates that the total of elected parent members must be greater than the total of all other members.
The Council shall consist of:
• parents and guardians of students enrolled in the school. This group has
to be the majority of the members on a council
• the school principal
• teacher on staff at the school
• one or more student(s) (optional at elementary level)
• support staff member at the school (non-teaching)
• community representative(s)