Special Education » Special Education Advisory Committee (S.E.A.C.)

Special Education Advisory Committee (S.E.A.C.)

The Special Education Advisory Committee of the Algoma District School Board holds monthly meetings during the school year. SEAC meetings enable each member association to provide input on the particular needs of the association they represent, to bring valuable information from association members, to work collaboratively with the Board to ensure that the needs of all exceptional students are met, and to advise the Board about Special Education programs and services.
SEAC meetings also provide the opportunity for ADSB Special Education personnel to keep SEAC members up to date on Board initiatives, activities, and programs and services for students with special education needs.
SEAC Membership 
SEAC members consist of representatives from local associations that operate locally within the area of jurisdiction of the Board. The Board also has the option to appoint a member-at-large to represent the interests of the community.  


SEAC members are nominated by the local association and must then be appointed by the Board.  It is also possible for organizations to nominate one alternative for each representative.


SEAC members serve for the same term as the Board of Trustees.  A new SEAC is formed every four years following the election of the board of trustees.


SEAC members must be qualified to vote for Trustees of the ADSB and must be resident within the ADSB’s jurisdiction.


One SEAC member (and an alternate) is appointed to represent the interests of First Nations pupils.  This member is nominated by the North Shore Tribal Council and appointed by the Board. The qualifications above are not applicable to this member.