Well-Being » Board Code of Conduct

Board Code of Conduct

In May and June 2023, ADSB consulted with and saught feedback from students, staff and parents/guardians on our draft ADSB Student Dress Guidelines.  Feedback was collected and helped to shape and finalize our ADSB Student Dress Guidelines which went into effect beginning September 2023.  The draft Guidelines were developed after a critical equity review of operational requirements and current practices, as well as a scan of related policies and guidelines in other school boards. 
Feedback from the consultations was important and valuable as the ADSB supports safe and positive inclusive learning spaces.  However, the expectations outlined within the draft ADSB Student Dress Guidelines were based on the ADSB’s obligations under the Ontario Human Rights Code, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Education Act and Board policies.  When feedback from the consultations was considered, the Guidelines were not be altered in any way that results in discrimination or increased marginalization of students.
Each ADSB school will continue to have a School Code of Conduct developed in consultation with School Councils, parents/guardians, students (where appropriate) and staff.  All ADSB schools will also adopt the ADSB Student Dress Guidelines as their student dress code to be included in their School Code of Conduct.