Community » Accessibility


The Algoma District School Board is committed to:
·         maintaining an Accessibility Steering Committee;
·         ensuring school board policies and procedures are consistent with the principles of accessibility
·         updating and maintaining the ADSB Multi-Year Accessibility Plan at least once every five years (current plan is 2020-2024) 
·         developing plans to address children’s’ rehabilitation through accessibility;
·         consulting with people with disabilities in the development and review of its annual accessibility plans; and
·         improving access to facilities, policies, programs, practices and services for students, parents/guardians,  staff, volunteers and members of the community.
The Director of Education has authorized the Accessibility Steering Committee to prepare an accessibility plan that will enable the Algoma District School Board to meet these commitments.
The Accessibility Plan 
Accessibility Committee
Other Resources & Information 
The TeachAble Project - a resource from the Ontario Education Services Corporation