Student Achievement Plan » Student Achievement Plan: ADSB

Student Achievement Plan: ADSB

2022-2023 Academic Year                    2021-2022 Academic Year
Achievement of Learning Outcomes in Core Academic Skills  Preparation of Students for Future Success

 Student Engagement & Well-Being
Goal: Improve students' literacy learning and achievement  Goal: Improve students' graduation rates and preparedness for future success

Goal: Improve students' participation in class time and learning 
Measure: % of students who met or exceeded the provincial standard on EQAO Assessments for Grade 3/6 Reading and Writing and % of first time eligible students who were successful on the OSSLT/TPCL.

For the 2022-2023 Academic Year, 62% of Algoma District School Board students met or exceeded the provincial standard on EQAO assessments for grade 3 reading. At the provincial level 73% of students met or exceeded the provincial standard on EQAO assessments for grade three reading.  50% of Algoma District School Board students met or exceeded the provincial standard on EQAO assessments for grade 3 writing. At the provincial level 65% of students met or exceeded the provincial standard on EQAO assessments for grade three writing.  78% of Algoma District School Board students met or exceeded the provincial standard on EQAO assessments for grade 6 reading.  At the provincial level 84% of students met or exceeded the provincial standard on EQAO assessments for grade 6 reading.   76% of Algoma District School Board students met or exceeded the provincial standard on EQAO assessments for grade 6 writing.    At the provincial level 84% of students met or exceeded the provincial standard on EQAO assessments for grade 6 writing.  72% of first-time eligible Algoma District School Board students were successful on the OSSLT.   At the provincial level 85% of first-time eligible students were successful on the OSSLT.
Measure: % of students graduating with an OSSD within five years of starting Grade 9. 
Includes students who began Grade 9 in 2017-2018 and tracks their progress until 2021-2022. 

For the 2021-2022 Academic Year, 76% of Algoma District School Board students graduated with an OSSD within 5 years of starting grade 9. This includes students who began Grade 9 in 2017-2018 and tracks their progress until 2021-2022.  At the provincial level 89.1% of students graduated with an OSSD within 5 years of starting grade 9. This includes students who began Grade 9 in 2017-2018 and tracks their progress until 2021-2022.
Measure: % of students in Grades 4-12 who were suspended at least once.  
For the 2021-2022 Academic Year, 7.33% of Algoma District School Board students in grades 4 to 12 were suspended at least once at the provincial level 3.32% of students in grades 4 to 12 or suspended at least once.
Measure: % of students who earn 16 or more credits by the end of Grade 10 

For the 2021-2022 Academic Year, 69% of Algoma District School Board students earned 16 or more credits by the end of grade 10. at the provincial level 80% of students earned 16 or more credits by the end of grade 10.
Measure: % of students in Grades 1-8 whose individual attendance rate is equal to or greater than 90 percentFor the 2021-2022 Academic Year, 26.2% of Algoma District School Board students in grades 1 to 8 whose individual attendance rate is equal to or greater than 90%. at the provincial level 52.6% of students in grades 1 to 8 whose individual attendance rate is equal to or greater than 90%.
Goal: Improve students' math learning and achievement Measure: % of students enrolled in at least one Grade 12 math or Grade 11 or 12 science courses
For the 2021-2022 Academic Year, 46.6% of Algoma District School Board students enrolled in at least one grade 12 math or grade 11 or 12 science courses. at the provincial level 60.5% of students enrolled in at least one grade 12 math or grade 11 or 12 science course.
Goal: Improve student well-being 
Measure: % of students who met or exceeded the provincial standard on EQAO Assessments for Grade 3/6/9 Math 
For the 2022-2023 Academic Year, 46% of Algoma District School Board students met or exceeded the provincial standard on EQAO assessments for grade 3 math.  At the provincial level 60% of students met or exceeded the provincial standard on EQAO assessments for grade 3 math.  34% of Algoma District School Board students met or exceeded the provincial standard on EQAO assessments for grade 6 math.  At the provincial level 50% of students met or exceeded the provincial standard on EQAO assessments for grade 6 math.  36% of Algoma District School Board students met or exceeded the provincial standard on EQAO assessments for grade 9 math.  At the provincial level 54% of students met or exceeded the provincial standard on EQAO assessments for grade 9 math.
Measure: % of students participating in at least one job skills program (Specialist High Skills Major, Dual Credits or Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program)
For the 2021-2022 Academic Year, 26% of Algoma District School Board students participated in at least one job skills program for instance specialist High skills major dual credits or Ontario use apprenticeship program. at the provincial level 21% of students participated in at least one job skills program for instance specialist high schools major dual credits or Ontario youth apprenticeship program.
Measure: % of Grade 6, 9 and 10 students who report being aware of mental health supports and services in order to seek supports for mental health
Data Forthcoming
Measure: % of students who believe their learning has prepared them for the next step in their learning experience (i.e. next grade, post secondary, etc) 
 Data Forthcoming 
Source: As reported by schools through the Ontario School Information System (OnSIS), 2021-2022, and the Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO), 2022-2023. 
Provincial Priorities Measures & Results Actions our School Board will take to Improve
Goal(s) How this is Measured School Board Performance Provincial Performance Additional School Board Measures How Our School Board Performs
Achievement of Learning Outcomes in Core Academic Skills, 2022-2023
Goal: Improve students'' literacy learning and achievement 
% of students who meet or exceed the provincial standard on:
Grade 3 EQAO Reading
Grade 3 EQAO Writing
Grade 6 EQAO Reading
Grade 6 EQAO Writing
ADSB will continue to gather, review and analyse Board/local student sub-population qualitative and quantitative data to inform this plan and actions for improvement (i.e. Indigenous self-ID data, special education identification, race, gender, sexual orientation, etc.). 
Intentional (Explicit) Instruction & Intervention informed by data - classroom teachers utilize a variety of assessment data/tools to inform their daily instruction that align with Curriculum
Language Curriculum (2023) – ‘Reading – systematic, explicit, responsive; Writing from experience’
ADSB Language Tools/Programs/Resources: Heggerty for phonemic awareness (K-2 Classrooms), UFLI/The Phonics Companion (K-3 Classrooms), decodable texts, high impact instructional approaches, weaving the strands
Mathematics Curriculum (2020) – ‘Keeping Number Alive – Flexibility with Numbers’
ADSB Tools/Programs: MathUP, Knowledgehook, math manipulatives, High-Impact Instructional Strategies in Math
Small Group Instruction - classroom teachers utilize assessment data to create groups to facilitate intentional instruction and feedback in response to needs
Student Voice, Peer Collaboration & Feedback - incorporating student voice supports educators to better understand students’ unique cultural backgrounds, experiences, and challenges; educators use this data to create learning environments that are culturally relevant, sensitive, and inclusive; peer collaboration and feedback promotes exchange of diverse perspectives and promotes communication and a sense of community
Assistive Technology - provide tools and resources to address individual learning needs, facilitate access to the curriculum, and promote independence and engagement in learning 
ADSB Tools: Read and Write, OrbitNote, accessible texts, 1:1 laptop devices for students with special needs (grades 3 & up), and grades 6-10
Targeted Support and Small Group Intervention - classroom teachers and special education resource teachers, in collaboration with system personnel (i.e. multi-disciplinary team), will respond to small group and individualized student needs
ADSB Tools/Programs: Empower remedial reading program in decoding & word reading, spelling for students with LD/LI who struggle with reading; math intervention groups, oral language groups (K-2); phonological awareness groups (K-2); social language groups (K-2)
Asset-Based Stance and Strength-Based Language - use assessment strategies that focus on identifying and celebrating students' strengths and talents; use language that communicates high expectations and belief in students' abilities to succeed and avoid deficit-based language that labels students or emphasizes limitations; identify and leverage the assets and resources available within students' families, communities, and cultures
Student Mentoring and Role Models - utilize peer and adult mentors/role models to provide support, guidance, motivation and inspiration, as well as opportunities/resources where students see themselves represented
School, Indigenous and Local Community Partnerships - facilitate presentations, workshops and initiatives to connect families to school, Indigenous and local community supports and services 
% of fully participating, first-time eligible students who are successful on the OSSLT/TPCL 72% 85%
Goal: Improve students' math learning and achievement 
% of students who meet or exceed the provincial standard on:
Grade 3 EQAO Math
Grade 6 EQAO Math
Grade 9 EQAO Math 
Preparation of Students for Future Success, 2021-2022
Goal: Improve students' graduation rates and preparedness for future success % of students who earn 16 or more credits by the end of Grade 10 69% 80% ADSB will continue to gather, review and analyse Board/local student sub-population qualitative and quantitative data to inform this plan and actions for improvement (i.e. Indigenous self-ID data, special education identification, race, gender, sexual orientation, etc.). 
Knowledge and Skills-Based Learning/Programs - leverage students' interests and aptitudes to develop practical, relevant and responsive programming
i.e. Sparking Secondary Success/Reach Ahead Courses, Hockey Canada Skills Academy, SHSMs i.e. Aviation and Aerospace, Culinary Arts, Outdoor Education, Land Based Learning, eLearning, Field Schools, Project SEARCH
Experiential Learning Opportunities – facilitate learning opportunities that expose students to different experiences and pathways to promote student success
i.e. Take Tech Trailer, Young Americans, Summer Camps (Robotics, Mind Over Metal), ADSB Grade 8 Day (secondary pathway planning)
Student Engagement Experiences – provide experiences that support student transitions, promoting student connections and engagement
i.e. Grade 8 Day in the Life (Link Crew), Orientation/School Tours, Elementary School Visits
Intervention programs – developing individualized programming tailored to needs, supporting academic and non-academic components to build protective factors, support credit accumulation and promote engagement in pathways and future graduation
i.e. Learning Strategies, Alternative Programming, Supervised Alternative Learning (SAL), Multilingual Language Learners – English Literacy Development Program, START
Pathways and Career Planning Tools/Resources - provide access to tools/resources in supporting students and parents/guardians with education, pathway and career-life planning
myBluePrint, Transition Guide, individualized timetabling, information nights 
Student Success Initiatives - optimizing credit rescue and credit recovery to support credit accumulation 
Re-engagement – reaching out to students/families who are not attending or demitted,  to let them know they are missed and we welcome them back 
Caring adult - providing emotional support, mentorship, academic guidance, advocacy and positive relationships in supporting transitions
% of students participating in at least one job skills program (Specialist High Skills Major, Dual Credits or Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program)  26% 21%
% of students graduating with an OSSD within five years of starting Grade 9 76.0% 89.1%
% of students enrolled in at least one Grade 12 math or Grade 11 or 12 science courses 46.6% 60.5%
% of students who believe their learning has prepared them for the next step in their learning experience (i.e. next grade, post secondary, etc)  Forthcoming Forthcoming
Student Engagement & Well-Being, 2021-2022
Goal: Improve students' participation in class time and learning  % of students in Grades 1-8 whose individual attendance rate is equal to or greater than 90 percent 26.2% 52.6% ADSB will continue to gather, review and analyse Board/local student sub-population qualitative and quantitative data to inform this plan and actions for improvement (i.e. Indigenous self-ID data, special education identification, race, gender, sexual orientation, etc.). 
Update, implement, and provide training on ADSB Administrator School Attendance Toolkit, and market importance of attendance to parents/guardians and students
Reinstitute Board-level recognition of exemplary attendance (+90%).
Designate one system-level Attendance Counsellor to support the monitoring of data and school-based activities
Engage the Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) and School Councils to support parents’/guardians’ understanding of the importance of daily attendance
Support school administrators in reviewing alternatives to suspensions, positive behaviour supports, trauma informed practices, and the role of mitigating factors when determining if a suspension will be issued
Review Individual Education Plans, Behaviour Plans & Support Plans, including structure & implementation, professional development & training, with school administrators, SERTs and other school staff
Review/development secondary credit program with social-emotional learning focus for in-risk students (updated START) 
Reinforce professional learning from School Mental Health Ontario with particular focus on promoting welcoming learning environments and interactions, wellness promotion, positive mental health literacy and student circles of support, and to grades 7/8 teachers regarding the provincial grade 7/8 mental health learning modules
Review and update available community supports and Board supports, and explore additional partnership opportunities
Collaborate with OPSBA and Ontario’s Coalition for Children & Youth Mental Health in supporting students, parents/guardians, caregivers and educators to learn about mental health and how to access supports and services that promote mental health and well-being.
% of students in Grades 4-12 who were suspended at least once 7.33% 3.32%
Goal: Improve student well-being % of Grade 6, 9 and 10 students who report being aware of mental health supports and services in order to seek supports for mental health Forthcoming  Forthcoming
Source: As reported by schools through the Ontario School Information System (OnSIS), 2021-2022, and the Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO), 2022-2023.